translator & conference interpreter
smart translations with a smile
commercial, civil, criminal law, e.g. lawsuits, court submissions, expert opinions, due diligence reports, company regulations; certified translations of personal and business documents
banking, asset management, investment funds documents; financial product descriptions, fund management rules and prospectuses, regulator's reports and decisions, training materials
general and special terms and conditions, insurance contracts, product presentations, training materials
financial, audit and internal audit reports, tax inspection reports, tax opinions
annual reports, promotional documents, company presentations, websites
medicinal product information (Summary of Product Characteristics, Patient Information Leaflet, labelling), clinical investigations, standard operating procedures, pharmacovigilance, promotional materials
I first sought contact with Veronika in 2010 when I needed certified translations to obtain an Australian visa. I learned about her through a recommendation in an online expatriate forum. My decision to contact her proved to be more than wise. Even when I had to arrange translations from overseas, our communication was always excellent and she provided the service within the agreed deadlines. Thanks to her expertise, responsiveness, professional attitude, fair prices and a personalised approach to clients I always come back to Veronika with translation requests.
Among other services, our company offers foreigners assistance in obtaining labour and residence permits. To that end, we often need both ordinary as well as certified translations of various documents. Working with Veronika has been both a great pleasure as well as a source of satisfaction. Her work is absolute professional, fast and accurate, and she delivers superb translation services.
We have been regularly cooperating with Ms Veronika Pušnik and her colleagues for several years now. As our business also includes the organisation of international business conferences and technical meetings where we host foreign experts, high-quality interpretation is essential for us. We appreciate the commitment and professional attitude shown by Ms Pušnik and her team. She has always provided high-quality and realisable services, and we are therefore happy to recommend her as a business partner to others
Z Veroniko sem prvič sodelovala v letu 2010, ko sem potrebovala sodne prevode dokumentov za pridobitev avstralske vize. Za Veroniko sem izvedela preko priporočila spletnega foruma in odločitev zanjo se je izkazala za več kot odlično. Tudi ko je bilo potrebno urejati dokumente iz tujine, je bila najina komunikacija vedno odlična in storitve opravljene v dogovorjenem roku. Strokovnost, odzivnost, profesionalnost, poštena cena ter osebni pristop do posameznika so atributi, zaradi katerih se s prošnjami za prevod vedno znova obračam na Veroniko.
V Avto-moto zvezi Slovenije sodelujemo z Veroniko Pušnik že od leta 2005. Zagotavlja nam pisne prevode, predvsem različnih mednarodnih pogodb in sporazumov, predstavitev naših projektov in promocijskega gradiva. Za nas je tudi večkrat tolmačila, na primer na mednarodni konferenci o varnostni v cestnem prometu, mednarodnih dogodkih v soorganizaciji AMZS, otvoritvi centra varne vožnje na Vranskem in drugih dogodkih. Z Veronikinim delom smo bili vedno izredno zadovoljni. Od nje smo vselej prejeli prevode visoke kakovosti. Na dogodkih, kjer je tolmačila, je pokazala izjemno profesionalen odnos in odlično opravila svoje delo tako pri organizaciji kot tudi izvedbi tolmačenja. Veroniko zaradi njene strokovnosti in zanesljivosti z veseljem priporočamo tudi drugim naročnikom prevajalskih in tolmaških storitev.
Nogometna zveza Slovenije z Veroniko Pušnik sodeluje že vrsto let. Storitve Veronike uporabljamo vedno, ko naša organizacija gosti tuje kolege in potrebujemo primerno tolmačenje. Veronika je tako postala že redni zunanji sodelavec, predvsem ob naših skupščinah in strokovnih posvetih. Njeni odliki sta predvsem strokovnost in profesionalnost. Zahtevam naročnika se ustrezno prilagodi in temeljito pripravi. Naše sodelovanje je tako že dodobra utečeno in z veseljem jo vedno znova povabimo k našim projektom.
Taborniki smo avgusta 2014 na Gospodarskem razstavišču organizirali 40. svetovno skavtsko konferenco, ki se jo je udeležilo več kot 1200 ljudi iz 130 držav sveta, kar je največja taka konferenca po številu sodelujočih držav v zgodovini Slovenije. Svetovno skavtsko konferenco smo organizirali skupaj s Svetovno organizacijo skavtskega gibanja, ki je največja mladinska organizacija na svetu (40 milijonov članov) in katere člani smo že 20 let tudi slovenski taborniki. Za potrebe otvoritvene slovesnosti in tiskovne konference smo potrebovali tolmača iz slovenščine v angleščino in obratno. Gospa Pušnik je svoje delo opravila zelo skrbno in profesionalno, kar so potrdili tudi tolmači, ki so na podlagi njenega prevoda poskrbeli še za nadaljne prevode v francoščino, španščino, ruščino in arabščino.
In August 2014, we organised the 40th World Scout Conference at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. With more than 1,200 participants from 130 countries, this was the biggest convention in the history of Slovenia by the number of participating countries. The World Scout Conference was organised in cooperation with the World Organisation of Scout Movement, the largest youth organisation in the world (with 40 million members), to which Slovenian scouts have been affiliated for 20 years. On that occasion, we needed interpretation from Slovenian into English and vice versa for the opening ceremony and press conference. Ms Pušnik did her job diligently and in a professional manner, which was also confirmed by her interpreter colleagues who interpreted her output into French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic.
We at the Hypo Alpe Adria Group have been cooperating with Veronika for a number of years. She regularly translates our banking documents, where good knowledge of the banking legislation and banking terminology is a necessity. Although our deadlines are always tight, Veronika consistently delivers her translations within the agreed timeframe whilst maintaining a very high-quality service. She also provides text revision services for our financial group, where she is able to think outside of the box by proposing improvements to the content of our texts. She has also provided interpretation services for our bank, doing an excellent job.
We have cooperated with Veronika Pušnik since 2008, focusing primarily on translations of legal documents such as fund prospectuses, Key Investor Information Documents (KIID), annual reports, as well as marketing and website texts. As a fund management company bound by strict regulatory requirements, we use specialised, unambiguous financial terminology. We therefore need a reliable translator who has a good understanding of the substance of our documents and always delivers by the deadline. Thanks to Veronika’s professional attitude, we have built with her a relationship based on trust. Another outcome of our long-standing cooperation is a glossary of fund management terms.